MC Legal Services
Probate & Estate Administration
If you have been appointed to act as an executor, or you are the next of kin for someone who has died without making a Will, I can assist you in all aspects of the Probate process.
This includes:
Advising you on the contents of the Will
Identifying the assets and liabilities of the estate and calculating the value of the Estate to determine whether any Inheritance Tax is payable
Completing the relevant papers for submission to HM Revenue and Customs and where appropriate arranging for Inheritance Tax to be paid
Completing and submitting the application for a Grant of Probate
Once Probate is obtained, arranging to gather in the various parts of the deceased's assets, including closing bank accounts, cashing in life policies or premium bonds, selling shares or the deceased's property.
Settling any outstanding debts of the estate
Distributing the estate to the beneficiaries
For straightforward Probate matters, I will aim to agree a fixed fee with you at the start of your matter. This should be possible where you only require me to prepare and submit Inheritance Tax forms and the application for Probate, and are happy to deal with the administration of the estate yourself once Probate is granted.
For the full probate service as detailed above, my fees are likely to be based on an hourly charging rate.
Call now on 07792 869095, email me on
or complete the Free Online Enquiry form to set up a free, no-obligation discussion.